The Legend of Andy Roy: Anti Hero, Skateboarding, and the Return of the Cockroach Board

The Legend of Andy Roy: Anti Hero, Skateboarding, and the Return of the Cockroach Board

Andy Roy is a name that resonates with grit, daring, and a lifetime of challenges turned into triumphs. The skateboarder, born in 1970, is a living testament to the indomitable spirit of skate culture and the community it fosters. Notorious for his no-holds-barred approach to skateboarding, Andy Roy has ridden for the likes of Anti Hero Skateboards, a brand that has long championed the rebellious and out-of-the-box thinkers of the sport.

Andy Roy: The Anti Hero of Skateboarding

One cannot talk about Andy Roy without talking about Anti Hero Skateboards. Created in 1995, Anti Hero reflects the underground, DIY ethos that Andy so perfectly embodies. As one of the riders of Anti Hero, Andy Roy was never the 'poster child' of skateboarding, and that’s what made him great. He's an anti-hero in the purest sense—someone who has made mistakes, lived on the edge, but never gave up on what he loved most: skateboarding.

Skating for Anti Hero gave Andy Roy the platform to exhibit his talents, no matter how raw or unrefined they may have been. Anti Hero never chased the clean-cut image that mainstream skateboarding brands aspired to; instead, they celebrated the outcasts and the rebels. The brand has served as a haven for many skateboarders who love the sport but couldn't care less about its commercial aspects. With decks and designs as audacious as the riders themselves, Anti Hero was the perfect fit for Andy Roy's larger-than-life character.

The Trials and Triumphs

Roy's life is one of numerous ups and downs, including struggles with addiction and incarceration. But instead of turning his back on his past, he embraces it. His life story serves as a powerful reminder of the human side of skateboarding, an aspect often overlooked amidst the high-flying tricks and sponsorships. It's in the recognition of his flaws and the ability to turn them into strengths that Andy Roy embodies the very essence of an anti-hero. Today, he has emerged stronger, even hosting his podcast, "Ripride with Andy Roy," where he discusses various aspects of life, addiction, and of course, skateboarding.

The Return of the Cockroach Board

In a nostalgic throwback, we're thrilled to announce that we've just added the vintage circa 1996-1997 Cockroach board to our store—in mint condition, no less! For those not in the know, the Cockroach design is one of the most iconic boards from the era, renowned for its unique design and in-your-face aesthetics that are quintessentially Anti Hero.

If you’ve ever wanted to own a piece of skateboarding history, now is your chance. The Cockroach board stands as a timeless relic of a past era yet feels surprisingly contemporary. Its graphics and design ethos are as relevant today as they were in the '90s, proving that true style never ages.


Andy Roy and Anti Hero Skateboards symbolize the unfettered spirit of skateboarding. They remind us that life is full of bumps and scrapes, but it's how we pick ourselves up that defines us. As we welcome the iconic Cockroach board back into our inventory, we're not just celebrating a vintage skateboard; we're celebrating the culture, community, and characters that made this sport what it is today. So here's to the anti-heroes, the rebels, and the relentless riders—may your boards be as enduring as your spirit.

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